Over 20k Channels & Movies on Demand
Experience the "BEST" in streaming services with over 20,000 channels & VOD (video on demand) with new Anti-Freeze technology.

Multiple Package Options
Choose from multiple payment schedules and how many devices you would run simultaneously.

Our Servers are built for Success.
99% Uptime!
Anti-Freeze Technology
Whether you are watching your favorite sporting event, a live news broadcast, or an exciting movie you can be sure to have smooth content with no buffering.
With parental controls you can block any bouquets/categories you don't want to see (adult, internaltional, sports).
Our LIVE chat feature is always here to answer any questions or help with setup or billing.
Our Customers Love Us
From 24/7 support that acts as your extended team, incredibly entertainment content, and system performance!
Where have you been all my life? I must have spent $2000 on cable last year! And this has better choices...Thanks
Jamie K
Nice job on the website...it's what I do. Easy to nav and looks good. Great prices and love the service.

Chuck R.
Web DesignerExcellent options for those looking for sporting events. PPV and NFL ticket are my go tos.
Great options for the kids and lots of 24/7 shows so we can watch what we want and when.

Sophie & Jackson's MomI like all the international channels like Canada & India.
Got questions?
Well, we've got answers.
From 24/7 support that acts as your extended team to incredibly fast response, and providing the best entertainment for the whole family.

Simply put, it is getting your tv content through the internet rather than cable. This makes it more affordable with more channels, networks, and geographical areas. Imagine; local channels from any city, and some international.
Above all else, we strive to deliver outstanding entertainment at the lowest possible price. Offering over 20,000 Live USA & International channels, and the latest movies on demand. We also carry every sporting, and I mean every sporting event including PPV, and the NFL Sunday ticket. With support you can chat with online immediately...why not do a FREE trial and see for yourself there's noting to lose.
We accept all credit and debit cards through our Paypal processor. Paypal is the most trusted processor on the internet because your card information only goes to the Paypal bank. The e-store you are buying from does not see any credit card info.
We offer 1 time or recurring monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual payment plans.
As many as you want!
But keep in mind that you can only watch 1 tv/device per device subscription model you choose.
Example: Household has 4 TV's, and 2 cell phones. That is 6 devices, and all can have the app to watch tv. If you sign up for a 3 device plan you can only watch on 3 tv's at the same time, or 2 tv's and 1 cell phone, or 2 cell phones & 1 tv...but only 3 devices at the same time.